Thursday, June 26, 2014

Becky Hall

Becky Hall  republican candidate for 7A house seat running against DFLer Jennifer Shcultz.  Now my thing with Becky run this time well still early, she does not seem to be doing much or not as much as Jen is as I am out talking with people Jen is out all the time and the citizens don't hear from Becky.  It is a concern I have heard from people all over the district.

The other is Becky's website has no stands on the issues.  Why? This where a lot of people go today to find out about a candidate.  Her site also has no place for upcoming events meet and greets and such info, where you could talk with Becky.  I guess I don't see the point of the site pretty plan and non-user friendly as far as information.

Jennifer Schultz stand on poly-met.

Jennifer Schultz is running the 7A house seat being vacated by long time representative Tom Huntly, she has the backing of the DFL.  Now I was concerned about her stand on mining because I have heard  rumours that her stand in well suspect to what side she is on.  Regardless of what my thoughts are on mining, here is my reason for this post.  She seems to either not really have a stand on this issue or is flip flopping.

I sent an email a few weeks ago asking for her stand on this issue, I of course got the normal response and that was my stand on the issue is on my web site.  Well it is interesting that is/was not there. It has not been updated.  It now says she is favors mining, before it said I am pro business and anti pollution, that statement is no longer there.

 What exactly does I am pro business anti pollution mean?  It sounds like there is no real stands on mining.  It is almost a cop out answer or a typical response from a politician.

Now I have heard from a number a people that when she ran for the DFL nomination she was running hard against poly-met, well others have told me that her stands has always been she is pro mining anti pollution.  What is real Jennifer?  What is your stand on mining and poly-met?  The people of 7A have the right to know.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Food not bombs.

Well Monday afternoon I was at the library killing time tell the city council meeting and saw a poster on the board that said food not bombs. It caught my eye and I though what would this be about?  Well what the poster said, was come an get free food out side city hall that night from 5:30 to 7.  I did not see who was behind the event but thought, hey it sound interesting.  I will go up there and troll around.

I got up there about 5:45 I walked by looking and saw about 15 kids, as the event went on I would there about another 15 or so people came.  They had food everyone was eating, but the interesting thing is there was no sign(s), no one speakers or such.  What heard was no talk about war or stopping it or anything just a lot of every day conversation and laughing.    Of those 30 or so people most of them where young, I would say in high school or just out of high school only 3 or so people older meaning 30-50.

I guess my question is what was the point of this event?  It accomplished nothing, No one knew what was going on, I had a number of people trying to get in to the council ask me what it was.  With out sign's or even talking about an issue what good did you do?

I agree war should not be our primary response. Hey I must say if your point of the event was to block the stairs of city hall so people could not get in you did a great job.  Maybe the sign I saw at the library should have said we will hand food not a bomb, which is a good thing cause I would not want you blowing up your people.

If you did not get an chance to listen you still can.

If you did not get a chance to listen to last nights interview with Harry Welty, you still can.  Listen to the on demand show at it was very interesting.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A city ran casino?

Could the city of Duluth be running a casino?  If the proposal by councilor Howie Hanson is accepted it could.  Well there is a lot that would need to happen before it ever came true.

It seems from last nights meeting anyway that councilor Hanson has drafted a resolution for the city to ask that state legislator to allow the city to enter into the casino business. Hanson said it should be on the agenda in two weeks.

Now if it is passed by the city council it is only asking the state legislators to look in to the issue and see if it is something that could be done.  It would have to be approved by them for it to even come to true.  Look at the troubles that canibarry park has had to get a casino there over the number of years.  I think it will be a very tough sell but one I think is worth going for.

Why would councilor Hanson want to do this, well as you all know we have lost our funding for streets from the tribal casino here in town. This would basically replace that funding for a long term plan.  Now the casino would have to make money for this to happen.  I don't think that would be much of a problem with the right people running it.  I think however you would have a casino that would rival or be like black bear not the current one we have here.

I do want to mention that I think the place for the casino should be up for debate on where the best place for it is.

I hope that the council has an open mind on this.

Radio show tonight.

A reminder that the Duluth Politics 2 radio show will be on tonight.  We will have Harry Welty on to talk about the Art Johnston investigation.  The show will take place at 10pm central live on blog talk radio, you can also call in and ask questions.

The show can be heard at then search for duluthpolitics2.

Street fee accepted.

So as I thought the city council did in fact pass the street fee ordinance last night.  The vote was 6-3 with councilors Krug, Gardner, Sipress, Larson, Russ, and Julsrud supporting it.  Those that voted against where Fosle, Hanson, and Filipivich.  It was interesting to listen to the debate all of the councilors said they did not support it yet they did, why?  Well the reasoning basically was because they could, and that it started the process.  Your kidding right?

So as it sits right now the fee is set at $5.00 a month, the monthly fee this year will raise 1.2 million and on a full year will raise 2.8 million dollars a year for years.  This is so little it accomplishes little to nothing for roads.  The fact is that if the city wants the fee to be proactive the fee would have to $15 a month.  Here is the thing, this fee could come up as early as November of this year.  What my thought  is that this fee will not stay at $5 this year, it will be increased to at least the original $8 this month.  I would not be surprised if it goes to $10 a month.

Now lets talk about the council conversation that took place last night.  I must say I don't know what crack pipe councilor Julsrud is smoking off of.  She said last that your local streets are now apparently a national issue. Yes that's right lets pass what should be a city issue and core tax service the city should provide.  She said streets around the country are in poor shape, yeah so that is each city's problem to deal with.  One other thing that came up was approaching the state to see if they could set up a city gas tax many of the councilors brought this up.  Now this would at least be a bit of a user tax, that anyone that drives would be paying including citizens and tourist.  But it is a still a tax, here is my question if we go that way, instead of having all of Duluth pay for bike trails, why don't you put in place a user fee?  That will never happen but it should work both ways.

Now on to a councilor I really respect, and that is councilor Joel Sipress.  We may not always agree but we can respect each others opinions and talk about the issue civil.  He said the city last local government aid it received from the state, it also has lost the casino money.  This is true but they knew both of these where going to happen over month and years.  Yet the administration or council choice to do nothing about or come up with a plan to combat that. Sorry but that lays on you elected officials not the citizens. You are the ones that dropped the ball on that.

The other interesting issue brought up by councilor Howie Hanson was to make a for profit casino that is city ran.  It is an interesting issue and I will talk more about in a different post.

Friday, June 20, 2014

City administration going behind councilors back?

Well I have thought this for years, now it seems to be very true in today's city council and I would guess past as well.  I would not only guess that this is administration going behind councilors backs but also councilors going to behind councilors backs.

Well I don't know specifics of the case and maybe I don't have too. The fact is that the administration has done this many times.  This is by far the first time that administration has either informed people that don't need to know or told one councilor one thing and then said complete opposite else where.  It is sad that this has to happen in our local politics.

The case of the missing police report

I have talked with a number of attorneys about assault cases. One thing they say is very helpful no matter what side they are representing.  A police report could either hinder or help the person accused of the assault.  It is a critical thing that an attorney would like to have in an assault case.

Now in the school board and Art Johnston issue the police where not called and there is not a report nor at this point is there any medical recorders that are at least public.  If there was an assault on two people why where the police not called?  Well the attorneys I talked to knew nothing about this about this case they gave me a general answers as to why this maybe the case. There where a few different things that could be case here they said.

One would be that the school board has the right to investigate this with in.  They have the right to not call the police and do an investigation with an out side law firm.  That the attorneys still said a police report would have been helpful in gathering the facts of the case, and what went on.  In a public place where this assault was to have happen they feel the police should have been called by some one.

I asked them was the ball dropped by both sides, their response was yes.  They thought was if a real assault did take place the police should have contacted the police, on the other side of the coin if there was not an assault a police report could stop the non-sense of an investigation or court case. The lawyers where keen on a police report either way if there where to represent in a case.

I have been waiting for more information on this but have not gotten back yet, if I will post a part two.  I am not holding my breath to hear back however as I asked questions of the administration and it seems that they don't want to say boo on this issue.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Truth is out there some where.

  • Please note I will take a position on this on this issue on the blog.  I am going to give you the information that I learn about as a journalist.  

So the Duluth School Board meet tonight for a regular meeting.  This was the first meeting after the board put forth a resolution to investigate member Art Johnston on June 10th, by a 5-2 vote. With members Welty and Johnston voting no to investigate.

There was not a lot said about the issue at the meeting tonight at least by the board members. Member Johnston did make a comment when it came to approving the minutes of the June 10th meeting.  He said that board chair Mike Miernicki should not have voted as he is one of the people making allegations against him.  Miernicki did not over see the meeting because of that reason but he did vote for the investigation.  That said member Johnston also voted on this issue now he is the one being investigated maybe he should not have voted either, just cause he is involved in this issue.  I don't know   but it's just a thought that maybe no one involved should have voted on the issue.

When it came time for public comment a number of people did speak on behalf of Art Johnston.  The first speaker brought a sign with him, it said fire Gonseth who is the superintendent.  Paul King of Duluth brought up what I think is a great point, if there was in fact an assault why where the police not called?  He said that this issue could have been dealt with local with the PD instead of a length and costly investigation.  He also asked to have Gonseth removed and said he should not be sitting where the board members are as he is not an elected person.  Many of the other speakers brought up these same points.  The other rally cry was that he represents the  4th district and should be allowed to do so.

Now there was a resolution tonight to approve a civility code of conduct it had nine points they are as followers:

  • pay attention
  • Listen
  • Be inclusive
  • Not gossip
  • Show respect
  • Be agreeable
  • Apologize
  • Give constructive criticism
  • Take responsibility.     

Member Johnston said that this a joke for the board to be approving when they don't follow, it is just a piece of paper he said.   Johnston said with the things done to him and others over the years is prove that the board does not follow these rules, so why approve them?

A reminder what this is about from both sides.  The superintendent and board members position is that member Johnston said there was an assault , also race comments where made.

Member Johnston says that this is an attack on him and his family because of stand against the administration over the years he has been on the board.

The truth is out there some where and this blog will report what we learn, I will not share my opinion on here but I will on my radio show on blog talk radio.  

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Don't forget to the check the radio show.

I have am just getting started with the radio show but check it out. 

I will have another show tonight talking about the school board investigation Art Johnston.

Art Johnston to be investigated. (introduction story)

Okay all I don't know a lot about this issue.  I do however want to get it out there, and will continue to work to find facts on this.

I heard about this today and rushed to the board meeting, after hearing about it.  Art Johnston is being investigated by the district.  It passed the board today by a 5-2 vote, with members Johnston and Welty voting no on the investigation.

Not knowing much about the issue I wanted to talk to Art Johnston first to get his stand on it, I then talked to member Welty.  I was going to talk with others but they where gone by the time I had a chance to get to them.

Now both Mr. Johnston and Mr. Welty said that this personal hunt against Art and his family because of his stands and tough questions on the red plan and other finical issues.  Mr. Johnston said that his wife was kicked out of East high school and not allowed in her room and has not been back.

The attorney that is going to do the investigation I thought was very closed on what is going to take place in the investigation.  He said that this investigation may never go public even after the it concluded.  That is wrong the public should always have the right to know what is going on.  Bot h during and after.

I like that Mr. Johnston wants to this to be an open investigation and he will be letting people know what is going on in the investigation.

This is investigation is going to cost a lot of money and maybe we should be concerned about spending our money on the children was another  thing that Mr. Johnston brought up and I agree with that.

The water cooler talk around this has been on going today and I will have more on this as it comes in for sure.

Just to be clear I hold no position on this investigation as of yet.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

When thinking of city council

Hey everyone just was thinking about this and had a great conversation today with a friend.

If you ever do think of running for political office here are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Can you raise money council money needed to be competitive district seat 5,000 at large 10,000 
  • Can you develop a good group of workers from the ground up. This includes a manger, treasure, and volunteers. 
  • Will your view point be one that can be excepted? 
  • Do you have thick skin?   
Just some things to think about? If you want to run for local office.

A couple of other things last night.

Last night council president Linda Krug said that people are only allowed to speak once, which I don't ever remember being the case in my 21 years involved in Duluth politics. I can't even count how many times I have signed up to speak on more then one resolution at meetings and it has never been issue.  With that said I think it does need to be with in reason but is a person wants to speak on two or three resolutions they should have that right.  A citizens voice should never be silenced.

The person was allowed to speak, for a second time after that comment. Funny thing nothing was when I spoke for a second time, nor should it have been.  If there is a case that you are allowed to speak at the council meeting once then that needs to be removed now.

This statement also goes for city councilors because president Krug also likes to only allow people who agree with what she wants.  As a conversation goes on and councilors want to say something or add to what they have said, if you don't agree she will say we will move to a vote or use another cop out.

The other thing I found interesting is apparently the council no longer excepts friendly amendments, not sure when that happened.  My question is why not?

Monday, June 9, 2014

Happy and not not happy at the same time.

Wow what a city council meeting that happened Monday night.  I am pleased as could be on one point and not happy with another.

The two major issues brought on a huge crowd to the council chambers.  I am happy with one of the issues and that is rank choice voting, the other one that I am not happy with is the street fee issue.

First lets talk about about the good, rank choice voting failed tonight by a 5-4 councilors Hanson, Foslie , Filipovich, Julsrud, Russ. Those that voted for it was Larson, Sipress, Krug, Gardner.

Now there where about 15 people that spoke on this issue 8 of them tied with fair vote Minnesota, the others against the resolution.

I was supper impressed by councilors Julsrud and Filipovich there knowledge of the issue and question why we are rushing tiring RCV.  Also councilor Hanson was very impressive tonight he held his ground and would not let the council president Krug run him over.

Now this issue is far from over regardless of council president Krug says.  She went on a tantrum about the council closing the talk about RCV.  That is not true this issue can be brought up again.  This issue is far from over, the Charter commission is on the clock and in the sights of fair vote Minnesota.

There is a lot more on this issue but we will talk about on the Duluth Politics radio show.

Now on to why I am not and this will be simple too.  The street fee was not voted on tonight.  You might say well that is a good think possible right?  I say no because I think there where the votes tonight to vote down the street fee, but third district councilor Sharla Gardner but and end to that.

Gardner introducted an amendment to the ordinance now it made a big change to the ordinance meaning that it was the first so it had to be tabled tell the next meeting.  Now with this amendment I think that it could possible pass with this amendment.  I like the amendment but still hate the ordinance of impolimenting a street fee.

More on the on the radio show as well.  Tune in to blog talk radio Tuesday night time not sure but I will let know here and on face book when that is out.  I want to line up some guest if possible.

A couple of other interesting things going on at the meeting tonight.

So we all know about the two big issues at the council meeting tonight at 7pm.  Here are a couple of other things I found interesting at the meeting tonight.

First the city of Duluth is doubling the contract amount for hot mix street fill. The old amount is 325,859.60 the new amount we buy would be 717,069.60.  Now many of you may say well no big deal this is the stuff we use to fill pot holes so it is a good thing.

Well here is my problem with it, as we fill pot holes we don't properly pack this hot mix into the hole.  Well we do use a hand held roller to attempt to pack the hot mix in it does not work.  So cars run over the hot mix before it has a chance to settle in and it gets pushed out by the car tires and with in a couple of weeks we are back fixing the same pot hole because the hot mix is no longer there.

What is the point it we are back filling the same hole in a couple weeks.  I like the hot mix because it works well when used correctly. It is our procedure that fails not the workers that do this, they do great with what they have. We must look at have a better system to pack the hot mix down or it will be a continued waste of money.  Even a light motorised  roller would work okay to pack it in.

Second is spirit mountain. They are asking for the line of credit from the city to be increased from 900,000 to 1,200,00 which is an increase of 300,000 for this year.  Why well if you ask city administrator David Mongromery just because there is new head coming into spirit mountain and he does not want them to have any short fails to deal with.  Plus the last couple of seasons have been rough because of cold weather for the skiing season.

I don't know I have some real reserve in just handing out money like this.


Well this post is to cover just a couple of real short simple things. Also coming today is some more post about thoughts on the council meeting tonight.  

First thing speaking of the Duluth City Council meeting we need you there if you are against the street fee and rank choice voting.  The meeting starts at 7pm in city chambers at city hall.

The last thing is the radio show has hit the air on blog talk radio check it out.  The next show is set for tomorrow night however depending on when I get home from tonights council meeting it maybe tonight at 10 pm central time.  Simply go to and search duluth politics2.

The page also has a direct link to it when I am on the air. Follow me on facebook to get those notices.  Also you can always email me at or

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Duluth Politics hits the air.

So this blog will also now have an internet radio show that goes along with it.  I will blog and do a radio, the show will take place on blog talk radio I am working on setting up the first show for Sunday, I don't have a time but will let you all know when it will air.  Use the link and search for duluthpolitics2.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Duluth Politics to hit the internet radio seen.

This blog will remain but we also will be doing an internet show on Duluth Politics stay tuned for more information to come soon.

President Krug.

Duluth City Council President Linda Krug has got to go.  I don't know if there is away or not to remove her as council president but if there is it sure needs to be looked at.  She has no business running a council meeting she is out of control with power and has no knowledge of how to run a council meeting.

She has been the worst of the worst over the last number of years for sure.  There has been many times where they can't legal talk about an issue or amendment because it has not been legally indroducted but they just start the converation.  There has also been so many points of orders at council meetings I have lost track, as I said before I have wanted to stand up so many times and yell point of order or some rule that should be followed well she has been councilor president.

She also uses her power as president to shut others councilors up. Take last night agenda meeting as just one example. The purpose of an agenda session is to ask question about an ordinance or resolution but you are not suppose to make general comments well last night she established that they where going to allow comments at the meeting.  Yet when councilor Hanson wanted to make a statement he was not allowed to because it did not agree with her stand (RCV).  This is not the first time it has happened this way.  If you don't agree with her then you are told to shut up.  She uses this with citizens as well what happened to respecting others councilor Krug?

It is time for you to be removed as council president or do the right thing and step down I know that will not happen because you are looking to run for Mayor in 2015.

RCV down street fee here it comes!!!!

I must really applaud all the councilors that have reservations about rank choice voting.  It's shows that you want home work to be done first on the issue before you push it down the citizens throats this should always be the case on issues, to many times it is not.

I must comment councilor Julsrud for asking why now, well other councilors are as well she is one that really wants to know why the hurry on this.  Council President Linda Krug said it is because there is no local elections this year.  What she does not say is there they will be a huge mayoral election in 2015 which she plans on running for.  She wants it in place for the 2015 election because it will benefit her.  There is a reason you are pushing this councilor Krug be honest with the people.  Something I have seen you can't do a lot of.

RCV is never a good system of voting if you ask me.  It will have an adverse consequence on voting in Duluth and any where it was to put in place.  It is a very hard system to grasp many will tell you it is simple you just rank your candidates by choice, but it is not that easy there is alot more behind it as the process unfolds votes are distributed to other candidates ect...   It also most is like playing politics with play money.
To me it makes your vote me little.

RCV hopefully will Monday night and one councilor has said they believe it will by a 7-2 vote but rest a sure I will do everything I can to make it does not make it Monday night, I would encourage my readers to do the same by, emailing and calling councilors and telling them in your own words as to why RCV is a bad deal for Duluth.

If you are a democrat in Duluth it could be very harmful to your party as well just saying.  I won't however tell you why at this point that will come at a later time like after the vote on Monday.

Citizens bend over and get to pay another fee this time for streets it appreares that the council has the votes to pass this fee.  Now the council said they working on a different way to pay for streets but what they are proposing for Monday is a fee not a different way then what has been talked about in the past.  This fee would be set at $5.00 for this year but it could be adjusted every year up or down, lets be honest it will never go down it will only ever increase if anything.  One councilor said that this new process does put pressure back on the casino but I don't see how that is.  This fee will simple help run more people out of town.  It also will effect the very citizens that the council claims to want to protect the seniors.  These folks have a fixed income (but don't we all) this will make them have to decide between food and rent or a house payment.

It's unfortunate but I do believe the fee passes Monday and that the light fee will not be sunsetted so we will have both of them on our bill.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Rank Choice Voting.

Tonight at the Duluth City Council agenda meeting the council talked about rank choice voting (RCV).    Well what is it?  It is a way of voting simply put there would be no primary races in the city politics any more if this was to take place.  You would rank your top three choices for office.  It sounds simple but it really is not that easy there is a lot more that goes in to it, and you can read more here  This will give a little bit of an idea how it works.

Funny think it was asked how RCV worked when a councilor was appointed to the council, there was no answer to that question, other then to say that is not what we did.  That comment was made by councilor President Krug, well Krug fact is that is what you did however you did not know what you where doing.  It is not our fault you where clueless.  The council did in fact use RCV when appointing Sipress to the council at least that is what you said at the time promoted to the tv stations and news papers.

Now on to tonight, the council is going to ask on Monday that the charter commisen review and make recommendation regarding adoption of rank choice voting for city elections. RCV has been discussed in Duluth politics for a few years now, that said it never really gained any momentum.  Now it seems to be set on a fast track by some councilors.  Many councilors have asked why it is being talked about now, well that is a great question.  It has an easy answer we have a mayoral election coming up next year 2015 and it seems that the seat will be open.  I am laying all bets that current Mayor Don Ness does not run again.  Leaving open the seat for city councilors and others to run for the open seat.  Well two that support RCV are set to run for Mayor they are council President Krug and councilor Larson.

Any chance that this is the reason the RCV is coming up?  I think so, it could be very benifisol to them to have RCV on the books.

I will have more on this later tonight or tomorrow so check back.

Monday, June 2, 2014

DQ rumors put to rest.

Well I have heard a lot of rumors on the DQ property on Central Entrance, and to why has not opened.  Well here is the truth.  Owner of the building Gordon Grant's wife died this winter and that is why it will not open.  Grant is looking to sell the property.  The rumor of DQ asking to move to orange juilies is not true or anything else going around about him.  So just stop the drama people.

Mr. Grant I am sorry for your lose and hope you are doing okay.

Grant said about DQ that she was the queen of the business.

There has been some interest in the property from fast food restaurant's and if he was to sell to them they would tear down the building and rebuilt.  If you want to own a Dq franchise now is your chance at least for a little bit.