- Please note I will take a position on this on this issue on the blog. I am going to give you the information that I learn about as a journalist.
So the Duluth School Board meet tonight for a regular meeting. This was the first meeting after the board put forth a resolution to investigate member Art Johnston on June 10th, by a 5-2 vote. With members Welty and Johnston voting no to investigate.
There was not a lot said about the issue at the meeting tonight at least by the board members. Member Johnston did make a comment when it came to approving the minutes of the June 10th meeting. He said that board chair Mike Miernicki should not have voted as he is one of the people making allegations against him. Miernicki did not over see the meeting because of that reason but he did vote for the investigation. That said member Johnston also voted on this issue now he is the one being investigated maybe he should not have voted either, just cause he is involved in this issue. I don't know but it's just a thought that maybe no one involved should have voted on the issue.
When it came time for public comment a number of people did speak on behalf of Art Johnston. The first speaker brought a sign with him, it said fire Gonseth who is the superintendent. Paul King of Duluth brought up what I think is a great point, if there was in fact an assault why where the police not called? He said that this issue could have been dealt with local with the PD instead of a length and costly investigation. He also asked to have Gonseth removed and said he should not be sitting where the board members are as he is not an elected person. Many of the other speakers brought up these same points. The other rally cry was that he represents the 4th district and should be allowed to do so.
Now there was a resolution tonight to approve a civility code of conduct it had nine points they are as followers:
- pay attention
- Listen
- Be inclusive
- Not gossip
- Show respect
- Be agreeable
- Apologize
- Give constructive criticism
- Take responsibility.
A reminder what this is about from both sides. The superintendent and board members position is that member Johnston said there was an assault , also race comments where made.
Member Johnston says that this is an attack on him and his family because of stand against the administration over the years he has been on the board.
The truth is out there some where and this blog will report what we learn, I will not share my opinion on here but I will on my radio show on blog talk radio.
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