Sorry for the lack of post as of late, however as far as issues there has not been much going on in the news. That said there has been a few things in the political world as far as campaigning going on.
First it is interesting now that Becky Hall republican 7A candidate has finally gotten off her butt to do some door knocking. A person involved in her campaign said Becky made this decision only because it was getting close to primary time, even with out a primary she now feels it is important to get out and door knock and get signs up.
100 days out from the election and you just get started does any one else see anything wrong with this type of campaign? It maybe to little to late for her now, but only time will tell. This is a race that really could have been a close race as many democrats have said to me that they don't like there current 7A candidate Jen Schlutz.
It seems many people in the DFL feel she would not represent this area and she is an elitists, here is the thing I have heard it from a number of DFLers and many of them are high profile DFLers but right now they either vote for a green candidate or not at all.
Becky's lack of campaigning has heard her big time.
The Rick Nolan Stuart Mills race is very interesting right now as a dead heat and I don't think many DFLers expected this type of showing from Mills. Now let me say this the campaigning has started to get ugly already. Mills was doing a great job of framing him self as a family person and a common man, now however the very latest ad has been ugly against the incumbent. I understand that push however I think it is far to early for that people may get turned off.
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