Okay folks here is the deal I have been involved in media for 20 plus, in many ways from blogging,radio and politics. Now I have a real issue with news papers and news cast endorsing/ fact checking. There is a reason you are news. Do your job and report the news.
I don't feel that news papers should do endorsements, this is not news. Fact is an "endorsement" by a paper just an opinion there is no news involved in this. Papers time in and time out tell you vote this way and here is a bit about the candidate, what they don't tell is how they came to decision. They also do not tell who is making that decision nor do they tell where those people stand politically. I don't see anything news worthy in papers endorsements.
fact checking in a newscast, again this is not something that should be done in a newscast. This is not news, what they are doing is threw a tv commercial of a candidate or party and saying if they believe it is true or not. I fail to see how this is news. I don't have a problem with them doing fact checking, the problem I have is where it is done. If you want to have a community show that does where you say we have taken this commercial apart and here is what we believe. That said in that show if the station leans any way they need to make that information public.
Blogging is completely different, this is where people share there thoughts and opinions. Quickly also there a talk shows on radio, these are different from news programs. The show host and callers are sharing there opinions on issues, candidates ect...
This may come from my schooling and being involved in media for 20 plus years. I just don't see any positives in this type of "news" broadcasting. When is school you learn that news is just that news, you don't have a political lean.
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