Friday, January 9, 2015

Fake facebook pages!!!

So it seems like there are two fake mayoral candidates face book pages floating around.  One for each announced candidate, Howie Hanson and Emily Larson.  The fake pages are here, Larson for Mayor and Hanson for Mayor.

It is clear  both of the pages are fake and here are just a few reason's. Each page has few likes, Larson 3 and Hanson 18.  Not to mention both sites have pictures I don't think either one would use for profile pic's.  The content is not what you would expect from either Emily or Howie.

The about section of the fake Larson page I'm going to clean up the mean streets of Duluth. This is protected under the 1st amendment and the right to criticize political figures.

The about section on Hanson's fake page is not as bad as Larson's.  

Now why would some one run these fake page?  Well knowing who it is that is behind these after some investigation the answer is very simple.  The person thinks it is  funny however,  it is just childish.  It is sad that a grown adult would act like a 3 year old on a consistent base. This person leans to the right of center and that is fine, what is not okay is spending countless or any time on such petty acts.  

Just plan childish behavior by Daniel Golden.  


  1. Hey dummy. I'm only behind the Howie Hanson page, not the Emily Larson page. And I freely admit it.

  2. Danny that is cool you say you are not behind the Larson cool. I believe you or not, it don't matter. Why would be behind one not the other? At any rate none of it matters, you play your games, I am not playing them. So you know I will not post any other of your comments unless you can do so with out name calling.
