Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Last nights Duluth City Council meeting recap.

Last night the Duluth City Council had a meeting, well if you want to call it that.  It seemed  more like a quick chat on how everyone was doing LOL.  The fastest meeting I can remember in some time 23 minutes.  That said there where a couple of interesting things that did take place.

One was Councilor Howie Hanson has decided to pull his idea of a city ran casino from the agenda for now.  Councilor Hanson will bring it up again at another time.  He said the timing was wrong right now but he does not believe fee's are away to solve the city's problems, I agree with that 100%.

The second is there seems to be some reprieve in the park point area and the what the plan is to "improve" the area.  There will be a group set up to make recommendations on what to do in the point area, they will have till December 2015 to do so and present them to the council.  This is great for the entire 3rd district and the point as people can start to heal.

This for the most part also kills the recall councilor Gardner BS as well.  Thank goodness for that, there are still a few on the point that will not give it up however most of the pointers have given up on it.  They are working to better the area as a whole.

Beside the fact Councilor Gardner is up for election in 2015, and get this she is not running so there is no point for a recall just drop it those that want to see it threw the time is now to save face if you can.

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