Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Better late then never right?

Well I promised to have a blog yesterday but was unable to do so because of technical issue with the computer.   Most of the blogs are written from my home computer very few are done at the Duluth Public Library. Why is that important information?  Well I guess it's really not LOL.  However yesterday I guess I should have spend some quality time at our library, in stead of unproductive time at home.

At any point here is the post, yesterday in the Duluth News Tribune there was an article about the street fee being put on hold.

The council was going to hold a special meeting last night so there could be a second reading at the following council meeting Next Tuesday.  Council President Linda Krug said that the plan just is not ready for prime yet.  So what does this mean?, well we again have no real idea because the council is mum on what the plan they are discussing is.  I have heard that the new plan maybe a one year fee then a tax increase.  Wait what is this not pretty much the same thing, I think so.

It seems at this point according to councilor Krug there just is not enough support for the ordinance that is being thought about. I would hope that this type of thinking with fee's and tax increase would never have the support of council.  Please note I have also heard that there is or could be as many as two resolutions and at least one ordinance.

Councilor Sipress made mention that city already has a 5 dollar fee for street lights again something they should cover with current taxes.  Sipress has some concerns about another fee.  President Krug says a fee would be better then a tax increase because it is right now and you don't have to wait.

Here is my thing on that we as citizens can't afford to pay more in fees/taxes for thing the city should provide already.  I understand that money is tight right now in the city however it is even tighter in every day life. The city duplicates many services that the state already provides why?  Another thing even when the city did receive money from the casino for roads 80% was taken for other things.  Again why when this money was dedicated for roads and if you would have used it for that we our roads would not be in such disarray.

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