Friday, June 6, 2014

RCV down street fee here it comes!!!!

I must really applaud all the councilors that have reservations about rank choice voting.  It's shows that you want home work to be done first on the issue before you push it down the citizens throats this should always be the case on issues, to many times it is not.

I must comment councilor Julsrud for asking why now, well other councilors are as well she is one that really wants to know why the hurry on this.  Council President Linda Krug said it is because there is no local elections this year.  What she does not say is there they will be a huge mayoral election in 2015 which she plans on running for.  She wants it in place for the 2015 election because it will benefit her.  There is a reason you are pushing this councilor Krug be honest with the people.  Something I have seen you can't do a lot of.

RCV is never a good system of voting if you ask me.  It will have an adverse consequence on voting in Duluth and any where it was to put in place.  It is a very hard system to grasp many will tell you it is simple you just rank your candidates by choice, but it is not that easy there is alot more behind it as the process unfolds votes are distributed to other candidates ect...   It also most is like playing politics with play money.
To me it makes your vote me little.

RCV hopefully will Monday night and one councilor has said they believe it will by a 7-2 vote but rest a sure I will do everything I can to make it does not make it Monday night, I would encourage my readers to do the same by, emailing and calling councilors and telling them in your own words as to why RCV is a bad deal for Duluth.

If you are a democrat in Duluth it could be very harmful to your party as well just saying.  I won't however tell you why at this point that will come at a later time like after the vote on Monday.

Citizens bend over and get to pay another fee this time for streets it appreares that the council has the votes to pass this fee.  Now the council said they working on a different way to pay for streets but what they are proposing for Monday is a fee not a different way then what has been talked about in the past.  This fee would be set at $5.00 for this year but it could be adjusted every year up or down, lets be honest it will never go down it will only ever increase if anything.  One councilor said that this new process does put pressure back on the casino but I don't see how that is.  This fee will simple help run more people out of town.  It also will effect the very citizens that the council claims to want to protect the seniors.  These folks have a fixed income (but don't we all) this will make them have to decide between food and rent or a house payment.

It's unfortunate but I do believe the fee passes Monday and that the light fee will not be sunsetted so we will have both of them on our bill.

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